5 Quotes & Sayings By Stewart Lee

Stewart Lee is a stand-up comedian, actor and writer. He is best known for his role as John Self in the (now cancelled) BBC2 sitcom, Dinnerladies. He is also well known on the comedy circuit for his character Stewart Lee, a female impersonator/musician/comedian who specialises in singing "funny" songs with a female voice. Stewart has become a regular on the comedy circuit since becoming a stand up comic in 1999 Read more

He has performed at most of the major comedy clubs and festivals in the UK and around the world.

Did you slip in some cheese? Did it make you hate cheese, which you had previously loved? Why not sue a cheese-maker? Sue him for all the cheese he's got, drive him out of the cheese-making business! Did you burn your face with an iron? Why not sue Prometheus, the god that invented fire? Or an Iron Age chieftain, for having the temerity to popularise the metal. Stewart Lee
What's happened is somewhere, along the line, as a society, we confused the notion of 'home' with the possibility of 'an investment opportunity'. What kind of creature wants to live in an 'investment opportunity'? Only man. The fox has his den. The bee has his hive. The stoat, has, uh.. his stoat-hole.. but only man chooses to make his nest in an investment opportunity. Mmm, snuggled down in the lovely credit! All warm, in the mortgage payment, mmmmm.. Stewart Lee
My grandad always said, "You should never judge a book by its cover." And it's for that reason that he lost his job as chair of the British Book Cover Awards panel. Stewart Lee
I thought it would be a funny concept to publish a book about stand-up comedy with Faber, the poetry publisher, and to apply to stand-up the same sort of weight of annotation that you would to a classic work of literature, an epic poem. I thought that would be funny. Stewart Lee